USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2019 Spring
Accretion onto Pre-main Sequence Stars
Gregory J. Herczeg 教授
2019/05/14, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall

Accretion is one of the fundamental processes in astrophysics, with applications to the growth ofsupermassive black holes, to the dynamics of binary evolution, to extreme physics of compact objects, and to star formation. Actively accreting young stars provide some of the nearest and most easily studied laboratories for accretion. In this talk, I will discuss the magnetospheric accretion paradigm for classical T Tauri stars, including how this paradigm has been establishedand its importance in describing the evolution of planetforming disks. I will also discuss new paths to understanding the limits of magnetospheric accretion and what happens when it breaks down.
Gregory Herczeg is a Youth Qianren Research Professor and the Associate Director of Science at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr. Herczeg obtained his PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Colorado in Aug 2005. Before moving to KIAA, he held postdoc positions at Caltech and Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestriche Physik. Dr. Herczeg’s research interestincludes observational studies of disk structure and accretion of young stars, pre-main sequence stellar evolution, and chromospheric and coronal activity around dwarf stars.