USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2019 Fall
Weak lensing measurement and applications
罗文涛  博士
Kavli IPMU
2019/12/26, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Weak gravitational lensing is now becoming a powerful tool to probe the dark matter distribution traced by observables, i.e. galaxies, clusters of galaxies. Finished Surveys like CFHTLens, and on going surveys like SUBARU HSC and DES, as well as future surveys like LSST, and space telescope EUCLID, CSST, all of them take weak lensing as one of the key projects. In this talk, I would like to introduce HSC-SSP PDR1 data quality control as well as the galaxy-galaxy lensing results from SDSS DR7. Especially I would like to show some results based on the shape catalog that our team have created based on SDSS DR7, e.g. constraints on halo mass of galaxy group catalog in LCDM scenario and constraints on the cosmology model where dark matter and dark energy interacts with each other.
 Dr. Wentao Luo got his PhD from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in 2014, during his PhD study, he spent one year at USTC as an exchange student. And now he is a post-doc researcher at Kavli IPMU, the university of Tokyo working on data quality control and galaxy-galaxy lensing based on HSC-SSP data.