USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2020 Fall
Search for Fast radio bursts with Chinese radio telescopes
李柯伽  教授
2021/1/12, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Kejia Lee, professor and researcher of KIAA of Peking University, researcher of NAOC, guest researcher of MaxPlanck institute for radio astronomy. He works with pulsars, e.g.pulsar timing to detect gravitational wave, searching for fast radio bursts, studying the fundamental physics with pulsar observations. He also builds instruments, such as low noise amplifier, digital receiver, servos, and regulators
In this talk, the fast radio burst (FRB) searching efforts with Chinese radio telescopes, including Xijinag 26m, Yunnan 40m, Luonan 40m, and FAST 500m telescopes will be introduced. We will discuss the hardware, searching algorithm,and results. Recent results of FRB 180301 and SGR J1935 will be also included in the talk.