USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2024 Spring
Galaxy Ecosystem: From the Milky Way Disk to Massive Stars
李广兴 副教授
2024/06/18, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
The Milky Way is a complex ecosystem where the formation of stars and the circulation of interstellar gas are tightly linked. I will discuss a few projects: First, a global view of the kinematics and evolution of the local interstellar medium, where we combine the Gaia astrometry measurement with radial CO velocity measurements to determine the 3D velocity of the interstellar gas and forecast the evolution. The full 3D kinematic measurement shed light on the nature of the gas structures seen in the Milky Way disk. Second, a new theory of massive star formation. The formation of massive stars remains a question and debate. Past theories of massive star formation are based on the Jeans, in one way or another. However, the Jeans criterion is not applicable in star-forming regions, as the assumption of stationary initial condition is violated in star-forming regions where the density structures are created in short durations. I will present the framework of a new theory where massive stars form by super-jeans fragmentation, followed by tidally-regulated accretion.