Anderson Almeida Escobal (安德森) completed his bachelor's degree in Physics at the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2017. Afterwards, he completed his postgraduate studies in Physics at Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), where he obtained a master's degree in March 2020 and a doctorate in August 2024.
During his postgraduate studies, he dedicated himself to the theoretical study of cosmology, with an emphasis on the analysis of alternative models, such as Scalar Field Dark Matter, Scalar Field Dark Energy and models that consider interactions in the dark sector. In this analysis, he used Bayesian statistical methods in conjunction with observational data, such as those from type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and cosmic chronometers (CCs), to impose constraints on the proposed models.
In addition, he used non-parametric statistical methods, known as Gaussian Processes, to obtain fundamental information about the universe based exclusively on observational data. Among the results obtained are the determination of the transition redshift and the study of the potential associated with scalar fields that describe dark energy.
Nowadays, he focuses his theoretical studies on interaction dark energy models at the perturbative level and integrates the theoretical analysis group of the BINGO project.