
USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: Fall
The properties of wind generated from accretion flows
Amin Mosallanezhad  博士后
2018/12/27, 10:00AM , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Observations indicate that wind can be generated in both hot and cold accretion flows. In terms of hot accretion flow, the properties of wind generated from strongly magnetized accretion flow have not been studied. We study the properties of wind generated from both weakly and strongly magnetized accretion flow. We mostly focus on how the magnetic field strength affects the wind properties. We solve steady-state two- dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic equations of black hole accretion in the presence of a large-scale magnetic field. We find that wind exists in both weakly and strongly magnetized accretion flows. When the magnetic field is weak, wind is driven by gas pressure gradient and centrifugal forces. When the magnetic field is strong, wind is driven by gas pressure gradient and magnetic pressure gradient forces. We also perform two dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of slowly rotating accretion flows in the region 0.01 − 7 pc around a supermassive black hole to study the properties of wind in cold accretion model. The accretion flow is assumed to be irradiated by the photons from the central active galactic nucleus (AGN). The outflow properties found in this study are consistent with those of the recent observations of ultrafast outflows (UFOs). Based on these results, we expect line-driven outflow may be the origin of UFOs.
 Amin Mosallanezhad received his Ph.D in Astrophysics from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) in 2016. Since October 2016, he has been a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Astronomy at University of Science and Technology of China. Amin’s research interest focuses on black hole accretion, AGN feedback and galaxy evolution.