





报告摘要:The Lyman Alpha emission line is the strongest emission line in the spectra of typical star-forming galaxies. Searching for Lyman Alpha Emitter Galaxies (LAEs) will help us study the formation and evolution of galaxies, map the large-scale structure in the universe, and more importantly, probe the cosmic reionization and search for first generation galaxies. In this talk, I'd like to introduce the current narrowband surveys from redshift 2 to 8.8, including our work on LAEs at z=2.8 and 4.5. We also reveal the secret of Lya escape from the HST spectra of local LAE analogs: the 'Green Pea Galaxies' at z~0.3. It tells us that low column density, low metallicity, and outflows are the main factors for Lya escaping. Finally, I'll discuss our on-going projects of searching for LAEs at z= 7, 7.7 and 8.8 in the epoch of cosmic reionization.