USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: Fall
False Vacuum Decay
艾稳元 博士
Technische Universität München
2019/01/16, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
False vacuum decay is the first-order phase transition of fundamental fields. Vacuum instability plays a very important role in particle physics and cosmology. Theoretically, any consistent theory beyond the Standard Model must have the lifetime of the electroweak vacuum longer than the age of the Universe. Phenomenologically, first-order cosmological phase transitions can be relevant for baryogenesis and gravitational wave production. In this talk, I will introduce some recent theoretical developments on false vacuum decay, including radiative corrections on false vacuum decay, real-time formalism and a possible correspondence between thermal and quantum vacuum transitions around horizons.
艾稳元: 2011年兰州大学物理学基地班本科毕业,此后继续在兰州大学攻读引力方向硕士研究生。2015至今在慕尼黑工业大学攻读理论粒子物理博士学位,博士导师是Björn Garbrecht。研究兴趣主要在真空不稳定性,早期宇宙和黑洞。够解释诸如宇宙中正反物质的不对称性,并且还可以导致引力波的产生。报告人将介绍真空衰变过程最新的一些理论进展,包括真空衰变的辐射修正,真空衰变的实时路径积分形式以及热相变和量子相变在有视界存在的情况下可能存在的对应。