USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2019 Spring
A comprehensive survey of massive star formation in Cygnus-X
邱科平 教授
2019/06/04, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Massive stars are rare, but play a key role in galaxy evolution. The formation of these stars remain poorly understood. We are performing a comprehensive survey of massive star formation in Cygnus-X, which is the most massive and active giant molecular cloud complex within 3 kpc from the Sun. Based on observations with the SMA, Jansky VLA, JCMT, IRAM-30m, Herschel, Spitzer, and Shanghai Tianma 65m radio telescope, we carry out a systemic study of the hierarchy of molecular cloud structures in the complex, aimed at constraining initial conditions of massive star formation and understanding to what extent high-mass protostars acquire mass in a way similar to their low-mass counterparts. I will introduce the progress of the survey and preliminary results from an analysis of a huge sample of molecular cloud cores. I may also talk about our new ALMA and NOEMA observations toward selected targets from the survey.
邱科平,南京大学天文与空间科学学院教授。2006.02 - 2010.01,美国哈佛史密松天体物理中心pre-doctoral fellow;2010.01-2012.11,德国马普射电天文研究所博士后;主要研究兴趣为恒星形成和星际介质,特别是基于射电、毫米、亚毫米波到红外波段的观测研究银河系内大质量恒星的形成,已在国际主要天文学期刊发表论文约50篇。目前主持和参加了多个国家重点研究项目和国际大型观测研究计划。