USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2019 Spring
An introduction and invitation from the 300 — a large catalogue of theoretically modelled galaxy clusters
崔伟广 博士
University of Edinburgh
2019/6/6, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Galaxy clusters which are in the final stage of the hierarchical structure formation, provide the most rich information for understanding the galaxy formation, the physical properties of ICM, as well as constraining cosmology models. There are many observed galaxy clusters from multi-wavelength observations. In this talk, I will present the 300 project, which is one of the latest effort on theoretically understanding the cluster formation by gathering different modelled (hydro-simulated and SAM) galaxy clusters on the same base line. I will also briefly discuss some of our recent results to draw your attention on its different applications.
Dr. Weiguang Cui is a postdoc research associate at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh. He received his PhD inAstrophysics from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in 2010, and held postdoc positions at University of Trieste (2010-2013),University of Western Australia (2013-2016), and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2017-2018). Dr. Cui is mainly working on the hydro-simulations and on using different simulations (both cosmological and zoomed-in) to study the galaxy formation and the largescale structure of the universe. He is currently involved in several projects, whereby his research focuses on the galaxy clusters, local universe and matter distributions in the large-scale structures of the universe.