
USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2019 Fall
The Data of LAMOST-I and LAMOST-II survey
罗阿理  教授
2020/1/7, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
LAMOST has completed its first phase survey LAMOST-I in June 2017, and has released the dataset DR5. Since then, the second phase survey LAMOST-II started. Different with LAMOST-I, LAMOST-II switches resolution each half month from low res to medium res or vice versa. In this talk, I will review the data reduction and spectral analysis for LAMOST-I, and discuss the accuracy and precision of the data products. Then I will introduce the data of LAMOST-II and focus on the medium res survey and its potential application. Finally, I will show some example of rare objects we mined in LAMOST dataset.
 Prof. A-Li Luo is a research professor at NAOC. He graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu) and Beijing Institute of Technology for Bachelor and Master degrees in EE respectively. He obtained his PhD in Graduate school of CAS majored in astrophysics. He has been working in LAMOST team since his PhD study in 1998. He is the head of data process department of LAMOST project. His research interests are astronomical data process and data mining in big data of sky surveys.