
USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2023 Spring
Connection between Galaxies and Large-scale Environment at z>2
梁永明  博士后
2023/05/23, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
梁永明,东京大学宇宙线研究所(ICRR/University of Tokyo)博士后研究员, 日本Subaru望远镜主导的超主焦点相机策略巡天HSC-SSP和超主焦点光谱仪PFS合作组成员。主要研究方向为通过包括Subaru和Keck等地面8-10米级光学红外望远镜的成像和光谱观测,研究高红移星系的形成与演化对大尺度上的星系环境与其中的星系际介质IGM的依赖与反馈。2017年在中国科学技术大学天文学系获得学士学位,2022年于日本国立天文台(NAOJ)/综合研究大学院大学(SOKENDAI)获得天文学博士学位。
Cosmological simulations predict that galaxies preferentially form in the insection of large-scale filaments, which are proto-clusters, in the early universe. Based on the galaxy surveys in the past few decades, we have known that local galaxies show distinctive properties in different environments, and cluster members are more likely red, passive, and elliptical than those in the field region. However, due to the survey depth/area limitation and the rareness of proto-clusters at high redshift, there were merely a few discussions on the connections between galaxies and large-scale environments at z>2. Thanks to the wide-field camera Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) installed on the 8-m class Subaru Telescope, a new era comes simultaneously with the sufficient survey area and imaging depths, making it possible to investigate large-scale structures at and beyond the Cosmic Noon in a statistical manner. This talk will review the topics of proto-cluster science, patchy reionization, and the galaxy-IGM correlation based on Subaru/HSC surveys, including HSC-SSP, CHORUS, and MAMMOTH-Subaru.