
USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2023 Spring
Density, Structure and Feedback of Galactic Outflows in the CLASSY Survey
徐新枫  博士
2023/07/18, 2:30pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
徐新枫,博士,约翰霍普金斯大学-美国空间望远镜中心联合培养博士后,导师是星系和黑洞演化方向教授Tim Heckman,本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,博士毕业于美国弗吉尼亚理工大学。研究内容涵盖星系天文学中的多个方向,包括星际风,类星体喷流,宇宙再电离。徐博士在长期地面和空间大型望远镜数据分析方面积累了大量经验,主导或参与了HST, JWST, Gemini, Keck观测和研究项目20余个。在ApJ, MNRAS等天文学高水平期刊发表论文30余篇,目前引用数超过600。
Galaxy formation and evolution are regulated by the feedback from galactic winds. I will report the analyses of winds in a sample of starburst galaxies in the COS Legacy Archive Spectroscopic SurveY (CLASSY). The high quality and broad spectral coverage of CLASSY data enable us to measure the outflow's mean velocity, velocity width, column density, and outflow rates of metals, mass, momentum, and kinetic energy. I then study various scaling relationships by comparing these outflow properties to galaxy properties, e.g., star-formation rate, galaxy mass, and circular velocity. I also present a novel method to measure the gas electron density in outflows, which in turn yields estimates of outflow cloud properties (e.g., density, volume filling-factor, and sizes/masses). The derived density correlates well with the galaxy's star-formation rate per unit area. Based on comparisons to theoretical models of multi-phase outflows, nearly all of the outflows have cloud sizes large enough for the clouds to survive their interaction with the hot wind fluid. Most of these measurements are novel for galactic winds detected in absorption lines and, thus, will provide essential constraints for future models of galactic winds.