
USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2023 Spring
Massive spheroidal galaxies and their central super massive black holes under a violent formation phase
陈晓阳  博士后
2023/07/24, 2:30pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
陈晓阳, 2009-2016,在中科大获得理学学士和硕士学位;2016-2019, 在日本东北大学获得理学博士学位;2019-2020, 在日本东北大学交叉学科前沿研究所任博士后研究员;2020-present,在日本国立天文台ALMA部任博士后研究员。当前研究着重于通过多波段(X射线/光学/红外/亚毫米波)观测分析极亮红外星系中AGN对寄主星系的外流反馈。
Extreme starburst galaxies with star formation rate 100 times higher than the Milky Way galaxy are thought to represent the formation phase of the massive spheroidal galaxies and their central super massive black holes (SMBHs). Therefore, they are a key population of galaxies to unveil the physical mechanism behind the tight correlation between the spheroids and SMBHs, e.g, the driving and maintaining mechanism of the extremely large star formation rate, the feeding of central SMBH, and the feedback effects associated with the AGN activity. In this talk I will introduce 1) the construction of a statistical sample of extreme starburst galaxies at z<1 utilizing a unique sample from AKARI-WISE-SDSS cross-matching and spectroscopic follow-up programs with Subaru and Seimei telescopes, and 2) the multi-wavelength follow-ups (Gemini/GMOS, ALMA, NuSTAR) for several galaxies selected from the sample, which show extremely fast, galaxy scale, multi-phase outflows.