
USTC Astronomy Colloquium Series: 2023 Fall
Linking radio AGNs with the history of their host galaxies
郑学琛  博士后
2023/12/08, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
Xuechen Zheng is a postdoc at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO). He obtained his master degree from USTC in 2017 and then received his PhD degree from Leiden University in 2023. He is interested in AGN physics, especially radio AGNs.
Radio AGNs are believed to impact on the evolution of galaxies, but it is still unclear why some galaxies can host radio AGNs while others cannot. Direct observation to study the triggering mechansim of radio AGNs is very difficult due to the limitation of instrument. The characteristics of galaxies hosting radio AGNs can be important clues to investigate the production of radio jets. In recent years, we combined the newest radio data from the LOFAR Two meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) with multiwavelength data from the SDSS, WISE, MaNGA, DESI Legacy Surveys to study the optical morphology and kinematics of galaxies hosting radio AGNs. We confirmed that radio AGNs are more likely to be detected in galaxies with weaker disk and smaller angular momentum. We also suggest that more powerful radio jets are more likely to be misaligned with the principle axis of the host galaxies. These results all imply that galaxies with a merger dominated history have a higher probability to produce a radio AGN