
USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2024 Spring
Short-timescale, image-plane radio transients with ASKAP
王远明  博士
2024/05/22, 4:00pm , 物质科研楼C1001会议室
王远明,悉尼大学PhD,硕士毕业于中科院上海天文台,现为斯威本科技大学博士后,是ASKAP十大课题组CRAFT和VAST的成员。ASKAP,全名Australia Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder,为SKA的先导之一。CRAFT主要搜寻毫秒级别的射电暂现源,包括fast radio burst探测与定位。VAST (Variables and Slow Transients)主要研究射电波段的暂现源和变源,包括flare stars, pulsars, interstellar scintillation, radio supernovae等。王主要利用ASKAP搜寻极短时标射电暂现源(分钟至小时时标),发现多个极端闪烁的AGN以及一个太阳系附近的plasma filament。同时搜寻短时标暂现源的多波段对应体。她的多项工作曾被当地媒体以及Nature报道。
Short bursts, flares, scintillation and other radio time-domain phenomena (from millisecond to hours) usually imply extreme astrophysical environments (e.g. strong magnetic fields). Therefore these objects can be used as a laboratory to study extreme physics that cannot be studied on Earth. This time-domain parameter space, however, is relatively unexplored historically, mainly limited by instrumental sensitivity and field-of-view (FoV). In this talk I will present unusual time-domain transient events I have discovered with the ASKAP telescope, including extreme scintillation, long period pulsars, and flaring stars. I will then discuss their nature, origin, and the implications for physics more broadly.