
USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2024 Fall
Double white dwarf mergers and related objects
吴程远  副研究员
2024/10/10, 2:30pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall
White dwarfs (WDs) are the most common evolutionary fate of less massive single stars. It is estimated that there are about 1010 WDs in our galaxy, of which 2.5 × 108 reside in binaries consisting of two WDs, and about half of these binary WDs are close enough to begin mass transfer within a Hubble time. Double WD mergers play key role in astrophysics. They are important gravitational wave sources and are related to many objects, such as Type Ia supernovae, neutron stars, hot subdwarfs, etc. The theoretical understanding of the evolution of WD merger remnants is based on using information from threedimensional (3D) postmerger configurations to build onedimensional (1D) models whose further evolution is computed in detail through their longer-duration phases. In this talk, I’ll first introduce double WD binaries, including their formation channels, importance in astrophysics, then I’ll introduce our simulations on the post-merger evolution of double WD merger remnants and discuss the related objects.