USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2024 Fall
Tidal Evolution with Internal Gravity Waves
马林昊 博士后
Princeton University
2024/11/14, 2:30pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall

Linhao Ma is a Lyman Spitzer, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. He is interested in the theory of stars, particularly stellar oscillations in the context of tides, transport processes, and asteroseismology. He earned his PhD in physics from the California Institute of Technology in 2024, where he was advised by Professor Jim Fuller, and his bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2019.摘要:
Internal gravity waves (IGWs) exist in the radiative zones of stars, and when tidally excited by a nearby companion, they can cause efficient dissipation through radiative damping, influencing the spin and orbital evolution of the system. In this talk, I will discuss these effects in various astrophysical systems. In a Wolf-Rayet-black-hole binary, tidally excited IGWs may efficiently transfer orbital angular momentum to the Wolf-Rayet star, which could collapse into a fast-rotating black hole at the end of its lifetime. In binaries containing a sub-dwarf B (sdB) star, these waves may facilitate tidal synchronization, which can be directly compared to rotational measurements from asteroseismology. For main-sequence stars with close-in planets, IGWs may trigger resonance locking, leading to steady orbital migration of the planet; thus, the orbital distribution of these planets will depend on the properties of their host stars, which can be tested against the observed planet