USTC Astronomy Seminar Series: 2025 Spring
Where is the stable accretion pattern in Cataclysmic Variables?
戴智斌 副研究员
2025/03/20, 4:00pm , the 19th-floor Observatory Hall

戴智斌,中国科学院云南天文台副研究员,大样本恒星演化研究团组,入选云南省高层次人才培养专项。2009 年博士毕业于中国科学院研究生院,毕业后留台工作至今。发表论文近五十篇,主要从事激变双星及相关致密天体观测和理论研究工作,在密近双星、变星和白矮星吸积等领域取得了重要研究成果,两次获得云南省科学技术一等奖。担任国际变星协会学术期刊编委,并深度参与KeplerII-CV空间-地面国际观测研究项目。摘要:
The accretion-outflow/ejection relation present in the accreting white dwarf systems is one of the basic problems in modern astrophysics. Cataclysmic Variables (CVs), as the famous accreting white dwarf systems, are composed of a white dwarf primary accretes materials from a Roche-lobe filling late-type star via the inner Lagrangian (L1) point. The excellent databases with nearly continuous photometric coverage from many spaced-/grounded-based surveys (e.g., the Kepler-I/II, ZTF, TESS etc.) provide an unprecedented chance to investigate the stabilities of the accretion pattern in quiescent and outburst CVs based on the improved orbital modulations. With a uniform morphologic accretion model, composed of a main disk and two possible hotspots respectively at the vertical side of the disk edge and on the disk surface is used to explain the orbital modulations. More details on a complete evolution scenario of the quiescent disk surrounding a superoutburst provides strong observation evidences supporting current theories of the disk instability models. The stabilities of two types of non-magnetic white dwarf accreting outbursts: normal and super-outburst are further investigated using wavelet and Hilbert-Huang Transform.